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How to Encourage More Creative Thinking

Have you ever wished you were more creative?

If you do creative work, have you ever suffered from a creative block and been stuck wondering what exactly is wrong, and how you can get yourself out of it?

Of course you have, I mean, who hasn’t?

Let’s talk about that.

How to Boost Your Creative Thinking

Creative thinking skills use very different approaches to critical thinking skills. They involve a much more relaxed, open, playful approach. This can require some risk-taking.

Creative thinking skills involve such approaches as:

- Looking for many possible answers rather than one.

- Allowing yourself to make wild and crazy suggestions as well as those that seems sensible.

- Not judging ideas early in the process.

- Allowing yourself to doodle , daydream or play with a theory and suggestions.

- Learning from what has not worked as well as what did.

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